Oct 2, 2022Liked by Finn Schubert


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Finn, have you considered reading this aloud and submitting it to NPR's "The Moth"? This deserves a wider audience.

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I agree with Cameron's comment, this is an excellent piece and I could totally see it on the Moth! I hear a different voice coming through in this one (maybe that's just me). Also, if an insurance claim has a certain code provided by the doctor's office, why would it matter the gender of the person receiving the treatment? This makes absolutely no sense to me! I agree this needs a wider audience!

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Finn Schubert

"I identify as a trans man and I have a trans man’s body." Yes!! Exactly. We just are what we are and our body-mind combinations are just as valid as everyone else's complex combinations of chromosomes, reproductive organs, pronouns, secondary sex characteristics, internal sense of self, etc. In statistics, "normal" describes a range of the most common results (determined by random independent variables) that occur on a spectrum. This doesn't make the less frequent results invalid. They are important parts of the whole system. Diversity in ecosystems improves the overall health of the collective, even if the population sizes of the diverse species aren't large. Not saying trans people are a different species but you get the analogy. I could say so much more but I'll keep it at that. Thank you for making your writing public. I'm glad I discovered you. Keep it up and I'm wishing you and your baby all the best! :)

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